Wednesday 10 December 2008

Entrance measurements

Top right: 20 m down one side, 20 m down the other.

Left Top: both are 20m with a 20m gap in between

Bottom Left: Both are 20m withfrom the furthest point on the border

Thursday 27 November 2008


Like lighting idea, being able to sit down aswell so it's multifunctional, then there won't have to be so many seats around the site. Forgive me for asking, but whats this thing about hanging lights? Is there an image of it on the blog.?!*!..

Also understand photoluminous (cant bloody spell it) lights leading into the site has to have a large surface area. I don't mind the spheres, i feel the poles could be a little sexier. i've drawn a crude idea above as a SUGGESTION.


Wednesday 26 November 2008

maybe like this?? smaller mirrors i know, this is a bit crude but i hope you get the idea.

Also market is devloping and looking like this.






yeah like the hanging idea, go ahead with that if thats a good way of doing it. still a bit concerned about the light reaching underneath maybe have mirrors outside the light on two sides like this:

well the thing is not uploading, but ill scan my sketch in and then post it a little later.

Love the fact it is rechargeable FOREVER!!!! Agree with the lights filtering people to the area, and any way we does this would be fine, i think its the concept of it rather than the details itself that we will get praise for.

Again i agree with the seating thing,if people want to sit on them they can and would be awesome at night, almost like a artificial camp fire.

Your most recent post i really interesting, for the floor ones and when i upload the one i have sketched you can make your own mind up if you think its tooo cumbersome.


other idea

Other shape idea with flatter top to allow seating?

inside of mould

15 mm shell of photoluminescent plastic


I like the seating idea... am not sure weather you would be aloud to suspend it from surrounding building if so would we need to make two types of moulds for the ones that are hung from the buildings? and how much weight can it support if used as seating, how will they bit connected to the ground? apart from that i am happy to go with it...
Esteban the rest still are not back from lunch

Lighting: My ideas. joe

I have been thinking about the lighing, and am thinking that the moulds could perhaps also be interpreted in different ways by users of the site- like they could use them as seats ect which i thought mite be quite nice. the maximum shell thickness for the mould is 15 mm which would support peoples weight.

Lighting: The lighting should be made from photoluminescent plastic. The reason is that this is the best material to make use of the sites natural resource- sunlight. Also the moulds are relatively cheap to make and maintain- can be easily cleaned using water, and this material never ever runs out. it is rechargeable forever!!!

However for this to work there needs to be a surface for the sun to hit so that the light can be absorbed. therefore i think a rounder wider form works better as there are no edges, and also a larger area is able to be hit.

I think the lights should be spread into surrounding streets, to carry the site out into the surrounding areas and make it fit in as part of the wider community. they will also be used to lead people down into the site. i think they shoudl become closer together the nearer they get to the site, and once onsight you might want a variety of these lights. So some high up, some on the ground to mark out patchways and act as makeshift seats or tables (surfaces).

I am not sure what you guys want to do with the shape, i think a round shape works better for the ground and is easier to roll out into different heights in terms of aesthetic, but i take the point that on a pole it does look a bit like a zebra crossing post. below is some examples of some lighting schemes that i took inspiration from.

MAybe leading to the site they are suspended from the surrounding buildings on tension wire into the middle of the street so at night they just look like they are floating? as per sketch.
let me know what you think.

Grass that grows in Mediterranean weather

As spring is almost upon us in the northern hemisphere, most home gardeners in dry Mediterranean climates will be looking at their lawns and wondering if they should be turning on the sprinklers. The question is, is it necessary or desirable to irrigate the lawn at the first hint of warm weather?
Most lawns grown in hot, dry summer climates are perennial grass species that develop deep and extensive root systems by means of underground stems known as rhizomes. Common examples are the Bermuda grasses, Zoysia varieties, Kikuyu grass and Paspalum. They are able to take up water at depths well beyond the topsoil layer. Furthermore, their underground perennial organs make it possible for them to withstand drought to a considerable degree, often recovering splendidly from a brief period of neglect.
The preferred irrigation regime for these grass types is one based on deep, but relatively well-spaced watering, as this induces the roots to grow down into the subsoil. Other than encouraging the lawn to be more drought tolerant, there are numerous benefits to such a regime, such as increased hardiness to pests and disease, and preventing salts to accumulate in the soil.
In early spring therefore, providing a significant rain has occurred within 3 weeks or so, and assuming that the soil depth is over say 75cm, it is best not to water at first, but to wait for a period of time to elapse before doing so. The question is of course: how long should one wait?
For established lawns, it is possible to delay watering until the grass displays the first signs of stress, typified by a change of color and a loss of leaf turgidity. In fact, it is possible to save more water by delaying irrigating for a few further days, and deducting those extra days from the calculation that determines the amount of water that is to be applied. It is safer though for home gardeners not to do this and to open up the sprinklers, when the grass starts to yellow.

Recycled granulated rubber in Madrid

Have a look at the website!

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Tings 2 Do


-how will this be achieved in an efficient and economic way, making full use of the sight 24/7 (well maybe 20/7)
- What do these modular market thingys look like?
-How will they transform to be use in the night?
- How will tables/ work top be provided?
- System for renting out modular stall?
- Positioning of the market area

- How big are they?
- How do you expand with this fixed building?
- How are work spaces/work tops provided?
- System for allocation work space/moveable stall?
- Positioning of the market area

- How is the in water supplied to the market?
- Where is this water sourced?
- Where are the water sources positioned in the market?

- How is the in electricity supplied to the market?
- Where is this electricity sourced?
- Where are the electrical sources positioned in the market?

-Type of lighting? (photoilluminous, LED Luminous, Light bulbs, Flourescent...)
- Material
- Lighting Design for differeny areas of the site
- Size
- Positioning of different lighting around the site

Educational Building
-Number of floors
-Roles designated to each floor
-Design Exterior and Interior
-Entry point
-What will the open area on the ground floor be used for (when the building closes, and during opening hours.
-Furniture (within and around the building)

-Positioning of the seating around the site
-Design of the seating

-Positioning of toilets around sight
-Maintenance (attendents, self clean, periodic cleaners?...

-How large are the pathways?
-Can you walk clearly from exit to exit?
-Is it open/spacious?

-Types of plants (Native to Madrid? Need minimal watering?)
-Design for green (grass, trees, shrubs, bushes, hedges, flowers etc) area
-Design for granulated rubber area (is seating incorporated in this? What's its lifespan?)
-Maintenance- Who maintains it? How often?
-Dog area- Area for the many dog owners to walk their dogs. Dog Shitting system? (lol)

Dog Bins/Human Bins:
-Positioning around the sight

Play Area:
-Where's it going? (Positioning on site)
-Are we changing anything about it? (Design/ Size)

Scale Model
-Showing the topography of the site (slope)
-Models of the fixed buildings already on da site- (schools, community centre, sports court)
-Model of educational building
-Model of Market
-Representation of all of the above on the model
-Models of the surrounding buildings

We got A LOT to do peeps. We need to crack on tmrw ASAP!

Wumizzle 4 Shizzle ;)


hey Joe

I didn't clearly understand how the paths worked and was unclear of how it looked but Alex explained it clearly when he arrived and things made sence.
The market is not modular because it complicates things i love the detail of a modular market but we found it more logical than rather to waste materials and add expense, it would be more logical to use space already there... to be honest we haven't even fully thought about the market properly, there are still a large amount of important details that haven't been finalised

Everyone is happy to listen to Cristism as long as we can sit down and solve the issues with ideas trust me if you come in tomorrow things will be explained more clearly. All the great ideas that have come out have been by all of us working together so your input and opinion is important.


my issues/ apology

Hi group,

i thought i better post as i don't think i articulate myself properly today, i got to stressed and what i was trying to say didn't come out particularly well.

Basically the problems I have with the way the design has gone are as follows;


initially we said that the market would be modular. this as i understand it was for two reasons. one so that the market could be adapted and added to as the scheme grows, and two so it could be adapted to keep this area included into the night. This was a point that all the tutors picked up on and said that they liked and was a key point on our proposal, and as far as i can see that idea has completely gone. there is now a shelter, and then just allocated spaces- like a car park. this is used during the day and then is dead at night? well that gets rid of the 24 hour idea, and keeping the site included in the 24 hour city.


the way the site has now been split up there seems to be alot of grass land. this seems more to me like an English park than a Spanish piazza and i think that has taken away from the idea we had to open the space up.

the amount of crossing paths are such an English thing- the piazzas in Spain and the rest of the med are open and spacious and dissected into differing areas purely by function. I thought we were trying to open up the site so users can see right through the site, and that people were going to be guided into areas- through lighting ect rather than being told where to walk. I understand that the paths put in are wide so this may not be an issue.

the grass also will dry out. and Madrid has a shorter of water. so how will this be kept up and maintained? i think there needs t be green areas but not dispersed all across the site maybe.


I think that some of the additional things that are being discussed and implemented are things that are being thrown in as a bit of a novelty. I think that these are overshadowing our key schemes and key attributes to out site- the webcam thing for example is purely a novelty, there has been no indication in research that this is needed or even wanted, yet it has become a key point? I like the idea of call centre but i think this can be included in the building, and not just available for everyone- because who then funds this.


Now it seems becasue we couldnt adapt the market area to include a multifunctional space, there is now a space for performance under the shelter at the education centre. this is a confusion of the two spaces i think- and that the reason for having this "performance" or exhibition space in the market area was so that it was given a focus point that would then allow people to sell mixtures of food, drinks ect in the same area and create a lively atmosphere where people could spend the evenings. with this separated now it feels like a festival site. I am also not sure how this space would facilitate films, or art exhibitions. if you can let me know this that would be good.


i am worried that the lighting scheme is going to go to waste. i like Esteban's design, but with the material we are looking to use there are a number of things that need to be taken into account. the material needs to have a large surface area in the sun- this is so it can absorb the maximum possible sunlight. it being in a pole shape i don't think will work. Also as you were talking about using the paint based material. this can not be applied to metal, it can only be applied to concrete or woods. also the thickness of the material effects how much energy can be absorbed and stored. therefore a layer of paint may not do the job.

I mean to be honest it seems like all the core points of our proposal have just been completely overlooked and there has been no questioning of how the area functions and works, but its all just gone back to what it looks like. because certain things were challenging it seems they have been completely dropped. the system we came up with i felt was extremely strong and i feel we have lost alot of our core values.

I am fine if things are changing as long as the changes are for clear reasons. i mean as far as i am aware most of the group are happy with how things are but i thought it was important to at least put down what i was trying to say earlier- but because I'm ill it didn't come across very well. i am happy to help build the model and help with the graphics and stuff. to be honest i think it is too late to change too much now but the design proposal needs to be rewritten as our solution no longer supports our design proposal in my eyes.

i dunno, let me know what you think anyway, and apologies for being a dick today.



Hey guyz,
these are some architectural lighting solutions for other parts of the site. (i.e market are, market canopy) from this years 100% design. (websites, 1st and 3rd images)


Monday 24 November 2008

as per comment on post before- lighting scheme document- joe

Lavapies. Madrid
Design for communities

Lighting system/

The lighting project came about due to analysis into our onsite research. The problems we highlighted were based on the sites geography and physical appearance within the landscape, and also user research in the area.

These problems were.

1) The sites physical exclusion from the surrounding area
2) The poor quality lighting on site meant that after dark the site could not be used.
3) To guide people into the site from surrounding streets.

We understood that a lighting system in conjunction with other measures we were taking could help link the site into the surrounding area and open the area up. We also felt that an exciting lighting scheme could reinforce the impression of investment in the area, and increase pride in the site.


We knew there would be a number of constraints on the scheme, as the costs need to be kept as low as possible. Therefore we needed to find the balance between cost of initial investment, material, and energy costs in the future.

We also wanted the scheme to be as ecologically sound as possible. Therefore taking sustainability in a wider context by making a balanced informed choice not purely based on material, but taking into account the energy needed to produce, transport, and power the lights.

We knew that a large batch of lights would need to be produced, and therefore needed a light that could be manufactured cheaply and easily from a mould.


The design is based on an idea where the lighting guides people into the site. Therefore the lighting is dripped out into the surrounding streets.

As you get closer from the site the lights are spaced closer together and get closer to the ground, with some of the lights on site being placed on the ground mapping out pathways and entrances. The aim of this is to act as a “drip feed” into the site, which guides people down onto the site itself. Along the clear site lines we were creating through the site from surrounding streets we felt that this would give an interesting and welcoming view.

The choice of material was key as we needed it to be durable but also make the most of the energy that was available to it within the local area, so the lights become self-energising.
We chose to use photoluminescent plastic. This was for a number of reasons.

We wanted to take advantage of Madrid’s natural resources. Madrid is blessed with a great wealth of sunlight, so we wanted to utilise this to help power features on site.
We looked at solar, and how we could apply that to the lighting system. However we felt the number of components, and systems that needed to be installed, and then the time and money needed to maintain the system was not effective.

Therefore we looked at how we could use smart materials in order to create the same effect but using fewer components, both on the light itself, its energy source, and also in the casing and foundations. We decided on photoluminescent plastic as there have been recent developments in this area that have made the material far more productive. Exposure to 1,000 lux of light for 5 min provides enough energy for up to 32 hr of glow. The intensity of the light is based on how much energy is stored and therefore with Madrid’s sunlight we felt this was a viable option.

The material comes in either pellets or a resin form and therefore can be manufactured using a variety of moulding techniques relatively cheaply. Also through research we found that there were facilities in Madrid where manufacturing could be performed. Therefore only the raw materials may need to be imported.

Also as we are working with a plastic a large range of colours were available which meant we could create an eye catching and “fun” scheme.
They will be extruded steel posts and if we are saying it can be applied on by painting it then it save the need to manufacture the ball part, do you know how long the material last until it fades?



quick photoshop example of on site lightballs..

cheers joe

light in the streets

these poles will decrease in size and in distance from one another as they get closer to site, once on site the photoluminescent plastic forms are at floor level mapping paths and areas. they absorb sunlight during the day and use that energy to light up at night.
let me know any thoughts you have- i dont know why but i thought people said they just wanted them like balls so thats why i have done them like that but i can change them if people arnt happy. you cant see from this but there is a piece formed inside- the ball is hollow- 15mm shell- that slips over the pole so it is snug and holds in place. the ball shaped moulds are produced using rotational moulding, which is cheap for batch/ mass producion, and also i have done some research and there are companies in madrid who do rotational moulding. this means only the pigments need to be imported by the looks of things and all further manufacture can be done locally, making the lighting scheme balanced in its approach to sustainability.
cheers joe

Sunday 23 November 2008


This links to a article about "Water Mills" basically a dehumidifier which gathers the water it takes from the atmosphere and alows people to drink it. Madrid is not the most humid city in Europe but it has high humidity at certains times of the day, compare London (where they were going to be installed) to Madrid:


These are some renders of the structural underbelly of the shelters that we are erecting.

Basically it is a Two Layer Space Frame Structure which has maximum span of 150 metres between struts and at that distance a depth of 300mm

Also as a option the geometry of each frame can either be rectangular, triangular or hexagonal grids.

In this instance I have chosen rectangular but need to speak to greg and layton about which is the best one to use.

Saturday 22 November 2008


#learning area#

These are some visuals of the the building, shelter and learning area seating.......