Tuesday 25 November 2008

my issues/ apology

Hi group,

i thought i better post as i don't think i articulate myself properly today, i got to stressed and what i was trying to say didn't come out particularly well.

Basically the problems I have with the way the design has gone are as follows;


initially we said that the market would be modular. this as i understand it was for two reasons. one so that the market could be adapted and added to as the scheme grows, and two so it could be adapted to keep this area included into the night. This was a point that all the tutors picked up on and said that they liked and was a key point on our proposal, and as far as i can see that idea has completely gone. there is now a shelter, and then just allocated spaces- like a car park. this is used during the day and then is dead at night? well that gets rid of the 24 hour idea, and keeping the site included in the 24 hour city.


the way the site has now been split up there seems to be alot of grass land. this seems more to me like an English park than a Spanish piazza and i think that has taken away from the idea we had to open the space up.

the amount of crossing paths are such an English thing- the piazzas in Spain and the rest of the med are open and spacious and dissected into differing areas purely by function. I thought we were trying to open up the site so users can see right through the site, and that people were going to be guided into areas- through lighting ect rather than being told where to walk. I understand that the paths put in are wide so this may not be an issue.

the grass also will dry out. and Madrid has a shorter of water. so how will this be kept up and maintained? i think there needs t be green areas but not dispersed all across the site maybe.


I think that some of the additional things that are being discussed and implemented are things that are being thrown in as a bit of a novelty. I think that these are overshadowing our key schemes and key attributes to out site- the webcam thing for example is purely a novelty, there has been no indication in research that this is needed or even wanted, yet it has become a key point? I like the idea of call centre but i think this can be included in the building, and not just available for everyone- because who then funds this.


Now it seems becasue we couldnt adapt the market area to include a multifunctional space, there is now a space for performance under the shelter at the education centre. this is a confusion of the two spaces i think- and that the reason for having this "performance" or exhibition space in the market area was so that it was given a focus point that would then allow people to sell mixtures of food, drinks ect in the same area and create a lively atmosphere where people could spend the evenings. with this separated now it feels like a festival site. I am also not sure how this space would facilitate films, or art exhibitions. if you can let me know this that would be good.


i am worried that the lighting scheme is going to go to waste. i like Esteban's design, but with the material we are looking to use there are a number of things that need to be taken into account. the material needs to have a large surface area in the sun- this is so it can absorb the maximum possible sunlight. it being in a pole shape i don't think will work. Also as you were talking about using the paint based material. this can not be applied to metal, it can only be applied to concrete or woods. also the thickness of the material effects how much energy can be absorbed and stored. therefore a layer of paint may not do the job.

I mean to be honest it seems like all the core points of our proposal have just been completely overlooked and there has been no questioning of how the area functions and works, but its all just gone back to what it looks like. because certain things were challenging it seems they have been completely dropped. the system we came up with i felt was extremely strong and i feel we have lost alot of our core values.

I am fine if things are changing as long as the changes are for clear reasons. i mean as far as i am aware most of the group are happy with how things are but i thought it was important to at least put down what i was trying to say earlier- but because I'm ill it didn't come across very well. i am happy to help build the model and help with the graphics and stuff. to be honest i think it is too late to change too much now but the design proposal needs to be rewritten as our solution no longer supports our design proposal in my eyes.

i dunno, let me know what you think anyway, and apologies for being a dick today.


1 comment:

sustainable madrid said...

Alright Joe

I wasnt there when you saw what had been devloped. To be honest the things that you have written down were question marks on monday morning. As you know we get a tutorial on Mondays and Nadine came to us saying "get a fucking move on".

So we created some INITIAL IDEA'S in a day when you were not there, my emphasis is on INITIAL.

You know as well as I do that details in this project rarely stay the same from one day to the next but our proposal has always stood firm.

Ill tackle the points as you have:


I am aware that we originally said that the market was going to be modular, to be honest i never really understood anyone's design's for this section of the project as I found myself getting very confused with how we could put our fantastic idea into practice. BUT there were a few designs that were pratical and fullfilled our set breif. I now cannot remember who came up with them but i know there were some sound ideas. I think I may have been the one who was pushing the shelter idea, so i hold my hands up to that, i think the reason for this was that I thought this is way that the group wanted to go, so from now this shelter has been removed, so problem solved there. Finally I am sure this market area is still going to be used 24hr's a day, but it may not be the area where the film and exhibitions are held as it is a logistical nightmare. We have kept it a 24hr space by separting the times at which you sell having a break between 3 and 6, so the selling times would be:

8am - 3pm
6pm - 12am

this was done for a few reasons, firstly because this allows us to have a double the amount of temporary market holders, as you could rent one module twice a day, one in the moring and one in the evening. And secondly because we all know that spaniards love their seista's and between 3 and 6 (according to esteban) they do fuck all, so they arnt going to want to go to market and the certainly arnt going to want to run one.

Hopefully this market area wont empty after 1 am when the stallholders have gone home or carryed on their evening elsewhere. What do you think would be the best solution for the site after the stalls have shut, as we know people are going to want to use it?

To be honest I dont think there would a be an exhibition or film every night, or maybe there could be an open air film 2 nights a week or just some comfortable seating for the users to drink and talk? let me know please.

2. Grass spaces and paths

I totally agree i think there chould be minimal grass land in the open, and keep it to the very large area we have set aside for green space. As i said before this was an INITIAL IDEA and was begging to be devloped, it was a starting point and yes i know you were ill and feeling preety shitty but you just need to keep your cool sometimes, to be honest all I did was take all 4 entrance points of the site and the entrance's to the Current Buildings, Green area, Market Space, Sports Area, our Education Bulding and the Outdoor Seating area next to our buidling, then take the most direct route to the closest entrance point, I was doing this for me to start a mapping procedur to work out the best way to naviagte around the site, this maybe as you have said with the light balls, different coloured granulated rubber corresponding the colour of the building, or maybe some sort of graphic or type on the ground that LEADS the person the their location but still at the same time allowing them to feel like it is a typical spanish plaza. The Granulated rubber was my choice of material, firstly as it is incredibly vibrant, has a very long life, is child friendly, ridiculously easy to clean jsut incase one of those lovely dogs shit somewhere, is relitavly cheap but sure of the exact price and from 2006 EU landfill directive has banned the disposal of rubber tires. The granulated rubber texture provides good grip to reduce slipping and is impact absorbent so are very forgiving. As I said they are made from recycled car tyres so reuses a material that would otherwise be burnt.

3. I think the above covers the matierals section, but yeah i agree get rid of the webcam, keep the free phones if everyone wants to but it was a space filler rather than a main point. Bearing in mind the site is actually massive, it may come back around.


Yeah again i think we did this because the market area was getting so ridiculous and there was no movement on the issue so we decided to compromise, but the more i think about it, the more it works, if people are viewing an exhibition or watching a film then they dont at the hustle and buste of a market place and separating the two by a 10 second walk ssems to work well in my eyes. I am aware that it seems like a change but see it as moving it slightly rather than re-writing the proposal, and making it into a "festival site". There is no reason why we can't have seating spilling over towards the market areamaking the two spaces feel joined at the hip rather than crammin everything into the market space. SOUND and SMELLS are things that need to be considered.


I think joe has a very good point he knows alot about this smart material and has made a good case why it should have the most surface area, Joe and Esteban work together on this idea to finalise it.

Esteban: think about the surface area expansion.
Joe: think about how much light is going to get to the bottom of the sphere during the light hours especially when its on the ground.

Think thats me done.
Dont worry about getting stressed mate it happens to all of us and we all do different things when we get stressed!
Good to see that you care this much!

Much love
Alex "tushi" Weedon