Saturday 22 November 2008

ch ch ch ch changes..... building. sports courts as per previosu posts

As you can see the size of the building has been reduced and has become one structure. we all felt that it being split in two detracted from the clear physical hierarchy of progression. it also gives more open space and doesnt dominate too much. i still think it should be a statement of investment fully but just thought the previous structure detracted from the idea behind it. Also the sports court has been rotated so it now sits flat aganst the building length ways so again opens more space for dog walkers, and people who want to relax. it gives a nice flow down the site aswell and allows spectators to watch.
the lighting idea i came up with i think everyone is pretty happy with, we made a few tweaks on the shape but nothing finalised on it. i will be sketching this out for monday and will post sketches as i do them on here. but i think it clearly incorporates the site into surrounding area, uses a sensible material choice- despite being plastc as it is a balanced approach to sustainability in terms of the amount of energy it saves. also the bulbous forms can be batch produced relatively cheaply using roataional moulding.

Add any thoughts or ideas to this post as comments and put your name.
Added this for you records alex. your tired sex moves.

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