Tuesday 18 November 2008

Research model. bloody clay models. new paper card models layout!

Hey guys, for those of you who havent seen this- above and the two below is a idea model Deniz, and Alex started today and i went and helped out for a bit. the idea is just to get some of our main concepts down on paper in 3d form so we can begin to visualise how the site will be split ect. The Dots of blue tac and the stickers is to do with the lighting posts which guide people around the site. We are thinking of having these spaced out along pathways on the site in varying colours and also having them spreading out into the roads surrounding the site. The idea i had was that these would link down to entrance points, and would be a way of the site being more incorporated into the local area and the site beomces something that blends, or is drip fed into the local area. Im going to do some sketches to illustate what i mean more. The material is a photoluminescent plastic. I will get the exact name of the plastic for tomorrow but its within this type of smart platics. Basically what it does is absorbs sunlight during the day and then becomes glowing in the evening using that energy. Exposure to 1,000 lux of light for 5 min provides enough energy for up to 32 hr of glow, and the intensity of the glow can be refined so could perhaps get brighter the closer they get to the site and then be bright in the site to illuminate it at night.
We were also discussing about using the exisitng roads leading down towards the site as areas where entrance areas should be to give a smooth flow onto the site. the netrances will be open and give a flow onto the site encourgaing people in as the area is less enclosed?

the cirlces represent areas where throughways meet so these are areas where we could develop areas of congregation, we were discussing this and it also seemed a good way to split up the site.

Making the clay scale model of the slope in the site. Below

Obviously just a snap of our research presentation sheets and boards. the graphic layout and disection of site.

Please put up any comments or thoughts tonight, also if any of you guys want these photos and some others i have let give me a usb and ill stick them on.

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