Wednesday 12 November 2008


Lavapiés is a barrio(district or neighborhood) of the city of Madrid, centred on Plaza de Lavapiés.This neighbourhood was the Jewish and Moorish quarter outside the city walls until they were forced into exile or conversion in 1492. Lavapiés then became Madrid's working class neighbourhood for hundreds of years and largely fell into decay until artists and immigrants began to fill its abandoned houses in the 1980s and 1990s.

If you want more info go to

They have alot of other subjects too



sustainable madrid said...

hi, its not really on that you have only contributed that one bit of information in nearly three be fair we had similar information in the brief in the first place. i understand you have some issues away from uni that you have to deal with but to be fair we have all worked really hard on the research and putting together the presentation for tomorrow and havent even seen you once. there have been no emails or posts on here from you letting us know what you were doing. i mean i dont want to be harsh and dont know what the others think but i dont think its fair that you will be graded off the back of work we have all worked hard on.


sustainable madrid said...

Yeah i agree with joe, im sorry olabisi but i dont think i would be happy for you to present with us next thursday. I do hope everything is ok with you, but you just havnt been here enough to even try and join in with the group. So im sorry but i think its too little too late.


sustainable madrid said...

Hi we all understand you have your issues, but could have helped if you made the effort to contact us, am sure you agree that you’re not really part of the group everyone has worked really hard on the project... if you could come in, and we can talk to the tutors about assigning you to do something else