Saturday 22 November 2008


Yeah i agree mate and have ammended the building size and shape, it now only consists of one building but the cover spans round the cornerof the boundary of the school and almost onto the road, but it links up with one of the large entrance points i think but need to check when i get in on monday.

Yes the sink issue is better but still no word from the plumber yet, which is a bit shitty!

I agree about the market area, having two different types of market stall one more solid state and one almost completly moveable, this gives us the ability to facilitate many types of market stall, not only fruit+veg, meats and hot and cold foods, but also clothes, books and flowers.

Again Joe I think that collating all of our research, in everyform, wether it be drawn, internet links, the blog etc is a good move but i think that we need to condense it slightly, take the parts we need and get rid of the parts that we dont. Obviously we need to keep a fair amount in about the avenues that we didnt persue to show that we have been objective with our decision and tried to explore different avenues, before we chose the one we are following now.

Furthermore I think we can share the load a bit Joe , its great that you want to collate all the information but i think its a fairly big job so, assigning people different roles would be a good move. I think we can be more productive as a group this way and also when making our own reports we have a more informed idea of what we all did as it is fresh in our minds.

Again I agree with what you are saying about the building, I have made amendments and have halved the buildings size, but kept the cover the same height and width.I have tried to make the building and shelter flow into the landscape, I have done this by making the shelter into one seemless shape from the ground up to the first floor of the building so that people will be able to walk on the top of the shelter and up the first floor [the small blue blocks on the renders represent people]

Under the shelter there will be a free phone service similar to the temporary one in columbus plaza which was there for 2 weeks and was a great success, provide free calls to central and south america. We can expand this using the research we have gathered and make free calls available to Central and South America, China, Bangledesh and North Africa. Also included a large two way webcam like the one on the South Bank by the artist Paul [its on a previous post], i think this will not only appeal to immigrants who live in the srea but spanish nationals who have family in other countries.

On the renders the top of the shelter does not have any handrails around the edge but rest assured there will be just havnt put them in yet.

Any thoughts about colours, or anything else for that matter guys?

Much Love



sustainable madrid said...

hi mate, is the underneath of that cover for outdoor teaching aswell. thatd be sweet.

also we need to get some slope on our research model monday morning because this needs to be on even that model i think. init. I will be in from 930- till 630 monday but can stay later nearly every other night next week.

sustainable madrid said...

oh and that was me- joe btw.

sustainable madrid said...

Yeah i hope so aswell as the international free phone thing and the two web cam thing in my previous post.